Monday 24 October 2016

The Whole Team

So there is a team meeting here tomorrow, when (hopefully) all my members of staff and Denyse, my care manager will be here for a session of Slagging That Neil Off or whatever. Afterwards Denyse will have a conversation with me so I am trying to think of subjects that are useful. (Usefuller than "Will you marry me?" as she hasn't answered that positively no matter how often I try asking her)


So today, instead of going to the swimming pool, we headed down to Headway Swansea for one of their twice a month meetings. Today me and GGtGG were both losing many games of Connect Four against a chap that lived in the care home where GGtGG used to work. I suspect that this chap practices the game and very little else as he seems in a lot worse state than I am in ATM. I lost 5:1 and GGtGG lost 6:1
I think that this place is not a bad place to connect with others but this chap seemed fairly unconctactable IYSWIM, he didn't really have verbal interaction skills 

Foot Fairy

So LusciousLinda came to cut my toenails s'morning, she only needed to cut 9, one of them hadn't grown!!!
And I politely said "Won't make an appt, will ring you when need you" to try and get in the habit of using a cheaper person in Carmarthen as I am so much more mobile and can go upstairs etc nowadays.
She is good but very expensive, she comes to my house etc