Sunday 24 June 2012


I am finding it really hard not to talk about my disaster on Ixion

">> At what point is a bike beyond economical repair?

> When you see another bike you can afford and want more"

Or when u r unconscious for months in hospital, like I was


Strange Memory

I was reading Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows again tonight and it mentioned the Peveralls (noisy) but I thought Peveril Of The Peak, pub in Manchester and Google says I was right. How strange, I have no memory of drinking there but I must have walked past it on the way somewhere else 20 years ago


Well today, for the first time in ages, no MOS will come and help me. Fair enough. But what is their first duty every day? To tighten up my shoelaces and to tighten up, put on properly, my splint. But no-one here today so I had to ask a member of Leonard Cheshire staff to help......
But what is there to do all day? I can look out the window, go sit out the front, go sit out the back....