Friday 15 June 2012

Lordy, lordy, lordy

What a manic day it has been.

First of all Paul came round and did my feet, then we experimented with some strange steps up to the van to enable me to get in, then we went and bought some beds (and unrolled the mattresses) then nipped home for some lunch. After lunch we went back out this time to Curries which Paul had phoned s'morning and said "Don't deliver Wednesday, we will pick 'em up today". First of all we contacted that Toby chap and said "Can we have a lift", picked him up on the way then delivered my fridge, fridge freezer and washer/drier
Then I met Freya but she didn't have time to come to mine as the Girl Guides were going out somewhere so we had to go to that McDonald's for dinner then drop her off very soon