Saturday 5 September 2015

Squash For Tea

And the main ingredient in tonight's Roast Veg was Butternut Squash which I bought last week and prepared today. What a fscking performance. Ed had to help me cut it up, I tried and tried and just couldn't manage. It was delicious but I don't think I will cook it again. Well not soon


So today I did my Sara Exercises for IIRC the third time. And already my lifting up muscle has got stronger, it is easier already

After Lunch

Then today after lunch/during my lunch I decided to try and see if the news was a bit more cheerful. It was still all about the crisis but the news was a bit more positive, talking about how folk have been able to move to Austria, instead of saying "They're stuck" so it was the first piece of news that I was able to watch to the end since last Wednesday or Thursday

And Today

After yesterdays crisis the news today is still full of crises and dead babies etc