Friday 27 July 2018


And this weekends cooking has gone all out of sync so I cooked this weeks portion s'morning, turned it off and went to the therapist then came back & switched it back on and added lentils etc. The spuds will be baked in half an hour, the lentils will be dun by then


Then today I can't go to Sam's class (Weeping) because I have to go to the Diabetic Eye Tester on the way to Carmarthen.
Gord nose how and why but there you are, every so often I have a check up I think
And my vision has been blurred ever since. It was about an hour ago and now is the first time I have been able to focus on my phone. It is still wonky but better
Fark. It stayed blurry for a couple of hours but I managed to finish cooking etc. So he said they will write to my Drs and to me in 6/8 weeks and tell him results. Dunno