Saturday 23 February 2013

Early to bed.....

As I was tired today after not napping in the day I went to bed about a quarter to 11, about an hour and a half earlier than usual

Opening A Bottle

I tried to open the litre and a half of organic apple juice and as usual I couldn't. So as usual I looked for my MOS to ask for help but he had nipped out to the loo. I tried again, no avail, then I tried gripping the lid between my teeth. It opened easily and I was still able to close it afterwards.


And we are going to the Pub up the street s'afternoon to watch the Wales v Italy rugby match
So we nipped to the pub at the end of the street to watch the rugby. Wales won and then we talked about whether I needed a nap etc and stayed to watch England flipping win too, but only just in their case
While I was there I got a freebie

3D cinema

After I posted a link on my website re: a film that I wanna see, Timmy was researching times of showing etc and it is only showing in 3D. Arse, wait 'til a DVD is available