Wednesday 10 July 2013

A Week Since

And Sarah the Physio is coming to see me tomorrow and it is also supposed to be the day the injection I had last Thursday takes hold but as since then I have narrowly escaped going into hospital etc I haven't even remembered which bit of my arm is supposed to be better


Well, I had to go to the Dentist s'afternoon and she drilled out almost a complete tooth before replacing it. It was a bit scary having someone drill so much but she has finished now
She did comment on how much more mobile/walking I am as she hasn't seen me for 6 months, which was nice
And my teeth felt horrible all the way thru the very nice curry I had made for dinner
And as the pain killers wore off there was no pain or discomfort which I am very grateful for


When Denyse was here yesterday as she is in charge of "caring" for me it occurred to me, perhaps randomly, that it is now weeks, possibly months, since I have choked

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone