Monday 22 June 2015

And It Occurred To Me....

When coming back out of the swimming pool I flicked myself backwards in the seat. It didn't tip, summat works


Then eventually we are nipping out for a fscking swim in the pool later.
Hooray and other sarcastic comments
And we did it, went into the pool, thought it looked busy, waited while Timmy fetched floats etc then got into an almost empty pool. Dunno if we are notorious or what but as soon as we arrived nearly everyone else left. But I did 2 lengths on my back and 2 lengths in the breast stroke style


Then I emailed my Drs and ordered another load of rub on my tits cream


Then my busyness continued with GorgeousGreta coming to cut my nails, I had thought she would arrive at the same time as the wheelchair fixer but as he was soooooo early she didn't

Early Start

And before Timmy even got here for 10am the fixer of chairs had arrived, taken my wheelchair outside and fitted the new don't fall over backwards tools. The ones he came to fit a fortnight ago and didn't have the right nuts for etc. But it is now fixed