Wednesday, 25 June 2014


And tomorrow my parents are coming to stay and be nosy when I talk about my inheritance with chappy on Friday


And the new fitting for my boots arrived today. Gareth picked it up tonight and said "Shall I fit it?" but I said "No, not until I can wear it and try it" so we will try and make it proper tomorrow


And tonight I had the first of my strawberry crop from my trug, mmmmmmm


And we are going back out tonight to have a first look at 2 houses
(Sigh) No, nowt doing...


And fscking swimming again today....
And it was as much fun as ever, 4 lengths, many different exercises and balancing things.....
BUT balancing. So today as an experiment I stood on one leg not holding on with my hands. I was able to do it on my left leg, it looked a bit odd as I had to lean one way then the other to balance but I did it. Then I tried it on my right leg, I was much worse at it but still managed a load. According to Gareth I was doing better than loads of 'normal' people who can't balance in the swimming pool at all