Thursday 12 February 2015

Getting Ready To Vote - stage 27

A letter came through the post today asking me to clarify who lives here so they know who to send the polling card to


Last night SmallPaul bought himself a packet of crisps in't pub and I was actually rather impressed. They weren't Ready Salted, they were called, as in it said on the packet, Lightly Salted and they did taste different. I think they were lightly salted, just a smidge and that was much nicer than normal drowned in salt ones

Fun At Gym

As usual s'morning I was complaining about having to go to gym. When I was there today I was talking to one of the teachers about the other classes and she happened to say "I hula hoop during...". So eventually she went into the classroom, got her hula hoop and showed me.
So I had to rise to the challenge but I am not as good at it as she is. But the very fact that I am willing (and able) to even try stuff like this says summat about me

Crying At Gym

So when we got to gym today TinyTimmy suddenly anounced out of the blue that "we" were gonna just have a go on the bike today, but whereas in the past my target was doing 4 miles in 20 minutes today my target was up to 6 miles in half an hour.
Which I did, I managed 6.summat miles in my 30 minutes