Saturday 8 July 2017

No Time

And because we had been busy at the garage etc I didn't have time to cook (the 3+ hours for bollock knees) so we popped out to The Caraway Restaurant. My food was alright but Timmy had to complain and say "This meat is all runny, swap it for summat else please, I will just have a burger instead" so we weren't very happy with the trip out
BUT before we ate we headed into Carmarthen to stand on the footbridge and watch a "fun" rowing race. Which was strange but being able to stand for that long and walk that far is a bit encouraging. 

Hippy Cars

So we went out today to the Texaco garage and looked at their hybrid cars, starts on petrol, switches to battery, when battery runs out starts petrol again etc. I think ATM they are the most enviromentally solution that doesnt need plugging in every 40 moles