Tuesday, 27 February 2018


Well Roy ordered one of these for me today......

More Shopping

Then we had to pop to an unusual department store in town as the press lights thing in the bedroom had stopped working and we had to replace the lamp bit. Which is all fixed now. It had come apart when fell down some months ago and finally died today

Toasty&Warm S'Afternoon

Gosh, it is so warm s'afternoon, under the sunshine


And on the way back from the hospital Roy called into the supermarket to fetch some long life milk etc so it the snow does fall my staff will have food and drink

Check Up

So s'morning me and Roy had to head to the hospital for my follow up appointment about my broken hand. They examined me, checked with a consultant, and basically said there was nowt that they needed to do, just keep it in a splint for another fortnight then they will hopefully take it off. He said that it doesn't need to be in a plaster but as he suspects that I will hit it and cause much pain and discomfort that I'd better keep it on for now.