And the last little kid suddenly fell off, face down on the pavement. She didn't even hurt herself, got up and carried on. But the moment she fell my heart was in my mouth, my experience of accidents has been a bit distorted.
Sunday, 1 May 2011
It Reminded Me
Just now I was out at the road, on the other 3 tiny kids went past, one on a tricycle and 2 on scooters, like this picture that I found online. The youngest kid was last

And the last little kid suddenly fell off, face down on the pavement. She didn't even hurt herself, got up and carried on. But the moment she fell my heart was in my mouth, my experience of accidents has been a bit distorted.
And the last little kid suddenly fell off, face down on the pavement. She didn't even hurt herself, got up and carried on. But the moment she fell my heart was in my mouth, my experience of accidents has been a bit distorted.
Lie In
So I was about to go to bed last night when suddenly my PC started misbehaving loads, so it took me about 3 hours to finally fix it and be able to read email again etc. So I was extra knackered when I went to bed last night, late too, and it was after 9.15 s'morning when I woke up again, it is some months or years since I have slept that long
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