Tuesday 22 August 2017


So I went to the loo after breakfast same as usual to have my pooh of the day. Squeezed, squeezed and squeezed. Could only do about 25% of my pooh. It still felt like it was in there so I went back to the loo about 11 to try again. Again squeezed and squeezed. This time I did about the second 25%. So all day I felt that the business hadn't been finished but no pressure to try again. Then after 8 this evening I went and tried again, just half squeezed and the last half of my pooh came straight out. Phew.
Now I am waiting in excitement for tomorrow mornings attempt.....

Deep Sigh

So we went to gym s'morning and I said I thought my neck was well enuf to try some arm exercises and it was, we were up to full strength required etc, so back to normal. The only issue I had was with the machine to finish on. I couldn't do treadmill, my arse is too sore for bike but in the end we got on a pedal by hand machine which was OK. I only did 5 minutes but I think that was enough for today


So my phone rang s'morning, it was a woman from the toe chopper clinic confirming that my appointment is at 11.30 tomorrow. After she hung up I panicked and thought "It sez Wednesday for the appt in my diary", phoned them back and told them they had phoned, said "See u tomorrow" but I thought the appointment was on Wednesday.
She took a deep breath and said "Tomorrow is Wednesday"
Oh yes......