Wednesday 4 December 2013

New Windows 8

And we spent 6 - 8 hours today downloading a new version of Windows 8. So far it seems almost identical apart from a start button in the corner. Which doesn't bring up useful stuff like it used to but the same picture menu that the not button got before. It was such a large download that there must be loads of differences but that's the only one I have noticed so far
It's OK learning how to use 8 but it is way different, much more than between versions in the past

Alarm Clock

So I remembered to ask Timmy how to set my alarm clock into night-time mode, so no phone calls etc while I am asleep. I tried setting it in night-time and setting my second alarm, the one that I use to wake me up in the afternoon. No good, it was silent night-time mode. But upon investigation further we discovered that you can set the proper alarm clock more than once a day, which will go off and wake me up. So my alarm is still set for 8AM Monday to Friday and another alarm will go off in the afternoon to wake me up from sleep mode, so I can set my alarm-clock to not behave like a phone until I get up


And Timmy insists that I try this swimming thing again today. So in a bit we are off.....
DoubleFark - it was actually OK. The steps that I get in and out on were broken so they had to use a hoist to get me in and out but it went well after that. We did loadsa walks, exercises, swimming etc. and got a "proper" changing room


Remembering this morning too