Thursday 19 September 2013


And Freya came over s'afternoon. According to her mother she was gonna doo summat with his birthday cake, I panicked, thought "What cake?", but Freya made him a cake from scratch, half an hour ago. Made him a birthday cake, who is gonna feel a bit loved
And we had a piece tonight, yum yum

Getting Ready

Now I am trying to prepare myself for a night out for dinner with Toby, Freya, Julia and me. With Alex driving and eating too.
We need to start making friends, me and J, so hopefully this is a start
 And it was, an excellent time was had by us all, all talking to each other etc etc, an excellent time was had

Half Mended

S'morning a wheelchair fixer came out. He changed both big wheels, tried to change little wheels and they were the wrong size, so I will see him again next week when he comes back again
He did look at loadsa bits as the noise had got a lot less but was still on, no finding.
But it is really better