Monday 25 November 2013

Busy Busy Day

First of all the chap came to fix my 'chair. He said "Erm..." but figured out how to do it. And he told us how to tighten the wheel when it comes off
Then we went to Morgan&Morgan and got a new desk. They said they will phone me on Thursday if it arrives then me and Paul can take his van to the shop and pick it up. Hopefully
Then Sara came to gym with me and said "Do this, try this...." had a conference with Sam and so on
Then we came back here for a late lunch, bath and nap
And then (more hopefully) we are heading oner to Staples in Swansea to pick up a 2 drawer filing cabinet, which may fit under the desk
And it is still only half past two!!!
And yes, we did head over to Swansea in the end, then got stuck in rush hour traffic big style, but when we finally reached the shop (in panic mode, it was so late) it turns out that it was open 'til 8pm anyway. But we did the business and purchased a filling cabinet which is currently next to my desk but hopefully it will fit under the new one, which we are hopefully getting on Thursday. My new PC is arriving tomorrow and......