Tuesday 6 March 2018


And we are going out for dinner tomorrow night with the Carmarthen Meet Folk Society or somesuch


And as it hurts to lean on anything with my right hand it means that when I go to stand up I am holding my walky stick in my left hand and I have got to just stand up using my legs alone. So even this is thera-fsckin'-putic


So s'morning we headed to gym and I got on the bike. I had said "No" to that loads of times as it feels really strange a)if I don't lean my right hand on the handlebars I feel really unbalanced/unstraight, and b)if I do lean my right hand on it makes the wrist feel all unstraight etc, but I got stuck in and tried it.
I was due to do 10km but I finished after half an hour cycling, about 6 and a bit km as my right foot was feeling a bit odd


And I find that I am sleeping less than normal ATM because my right hand is irritated by being in a plaster. It doesn't hurt loads but I am aware of it....

Half Way Through

And I have reached half way thru the keeping my arm in a plaster period, I am due back at t'hospital in a week