Thursday 25 April 2013

12 Hours

And almost 12 hours after we left we are home again

Nice Looking Women

So SmallPaul grew up around where we are ATM and said that I would soon realise that English women are more beautiful than Welsh ones. I told this to a woman who was serving us lunch in England and said "He might be right". She laughed

(from my phone)

In England

Lordy. So s'morning we left Carmarthenshire heading east. We stopped for lunch then set off again. Eventually we arrived at Orthotics place and talked about what I need etc and walked up and down with various additives. So soon it's gonna be time for dinner

(from my phone)

To That E Place

So s'morning we are going over to somewhere near Glastonbury to have my walking/Bionessing checked out for my claim. Perhaps on the way back I can go and be a new age traveller again and throw some stones at a policeman or summat

Beyond News

As I managed to wipe my bum properly again s'morning it is perhaps now news not worthy of being written about here in my Blog