Tuesday 17 June 2014

Hot Dogging

So we have a packet of veggie sausages to eat today and tomorrow. While we were out today I said to Timmy 'Shop' and we nipped to More Reasons To Shop At.... There I bought some hot dog rolls. I cut them when dinner was cooking and managed to not cut them the whole way through, microwaved a small amount of chopped onion and had them with ketchup and sweet potato chips.
Just yum yum

Injecting My Arse

So Timmy phoned the Dr s'morning and said "Can you inject Neil's arse with Testosterone, please", they said "Why?", he explained the circs and made an appointment for Friday morning
Shit, shit, shit, marginally apprehensive but I am sure it will be fine. Well it better be


And when I woke up s'morning my right knee is aching, perhaps I over did it when dancing etc last night. So we are giving it a rest s'morning and gonna attempt gym s'afternoon
Well we went to gym and did 15 mins on the bicycle which seems to have helped loads