Saturday 31 January 2015

Terry P

50% of the way through my second Terry Pratchett novel

Reading In Bed

Well as a child I used to read in bed every night, sometimes for a couple of hours. As me and books no longer get on I had to stop. But today I took my Kindle to bed with me when I was napping. Yes, I can read it lying down but my hand which was holding it got tired and after about 10 mins I had to stop reading
But it was the first time I have read lying in bed for some years

Shop, shop, shopping

We nipped to Morrison's s'morning to get more salad, I had run out a day early and while we were in there I thought "Ah, but salad was the only reason I was expecting to be shopping tomorrow, I may as well get the whole weeks shopping"
And it was pouring with rain before we left, it stopped, just raining lightly, we went, came back, no rain at all. I ate lunch and it is now pouring again
And after it stopped raining I opened the back door of the house, stood up, picked up my walking stick, went out the back, down the steps, walked to car, put the shopping bag back in't glove box, walked back to door, up steps and back in