Sunday 10 December 2017

Warm Day

Lovely and warm s'afternoon
But it's a bit chilly s'evening

Better Balance

So a bird tried to fly at my Xmas tree t'other day and left big marks on the outside of the window. I simply popped outside with a damp rag and cleaned it off the window.
Simple, now I can balance to walk on the stones outside the living room window, the ones I didn't used to be able to walk on
Yes, I have already posted about being able to walk around to the back on the house now, but it is still an improvement

Buying Online

So I thought "No, we can't find any" but put into eBay '2 foot square perspex' and after a few more clicks ended up buying a piece which will need cutting down somewhat and drilling but is free delivery. All the pieces I found yesterday were about £8-£10 but cost about £40 postage. This item costs £8 summat and is free postage!!!!
And hopefully eBay covers you so it should arrive!!


It was sleeting when I woke up s'morning but it has got stuck into proper snow now. It is not lying, yet
Well by 11.30 it is raining, so hope for the best etc.....