Saturday 2 June 2012


So a month ago I said "Hooray, hooray, the first of May, outdoor sex begins today" but I am still partnerless


Well today we were going out in the car to my new home, away from "here". I got in the car, put a CD I haven't listened to in ages on and the first song made me join in loudly and give them the fingers to the office here as we left. "No, no, no"


Earlier we took a couple of boxes, which we emptied there, down. Then I went for a nap, as I lay down it occurred to me "Timmy, did we get the anti allergy covers off those s pillows we put down s'morning" meaning they should be on the bigger pillows on my bed now?
So we had to nip back down later and get 2 pillow covers

Timmy Shopping

So s'morning me and Tim went and looked around Curry's and Dream's and wrote down the serial number of the fridge, the freezer, the bed I will buy next week after Belfast. So we will tell Anthony cost, he will send me the cash while I am away then we will go shopping when I am back. And as we are buying it all from just 2 shops there will only be 2 deliverys to wait for
And we bought a thermostat kettle for making proper filter coffee from Asda, we will pick it up from Llanelli next Wednesday
And we bought 2 bigger wider pillows to replace the 2 on my bed, one on top of the other was too thick, one by itself was too thin so I needed fatter, broader, pillows