Friday 20 January 2012


Then we brought Freya back with us and we had a lovely few hours.
And she elbowed her way in and made dinner for us. I had to chop up some veg but she did the rest
And when I said "Whaddaya want?" in't shop she bought some Soya organic pretend yoghurt things which were very nice
But I lost at cards today


Then as Paul mentioned today as Freya was meeting us at Waverley stores again I had better leave it there on my timetable and not move it to Saturday as I had planned


Then we went to the opticians. He tested me loads, both eyes. Basically I am slightly short sighted on my left eye but there is no point giving me glasses which will sit on the shelf as I don't need to drive and he mentioned how it will actually help me seeing the Computer and my Kindle. My right eye is long sighted but as it is usually under a black thingy there's no point being concerned. And he said continue wearing the black thingy to prevent double vision


So me and Paul after some conversation went around town so we can find the optician that we need to go to soon.

After finding it etc we went to Gregg's Bakers and there Paul said to me "If you walk in here I will buy your lunch". So I did