Friday, 15 January 2016

The Weekend?

Is it really Saturday tomorrow? Where has the week gone?

Sneaky Shop

So as I finished the salad @ lunchtime I decided that if we needed salad I may as well get the other 3 or 4 things on my list for Sunday/Monday shopping so we did.
Again Alex said "No" to me asking him to push my chair behind us but yes, he was right, I can just walk the distance, all the way around the shop, not just the salad section by the door
And I suspect that someone criticised me for taking my chair into Farmfoods on Tuesday but I think that it is not much different to the dimensions of this shop so we will have to see when we are back

Proper Class

And I am off in a bit to my only weekly visit to a proper class at gym
So we arrived, walked up the stairs, walked all round for the class and did my 10 min cycle at the end. Then I used the lift to back down
Wheelchair stayed in the boot of the car