Monday 20 February 2012


Then we went out to Burry Port Folk Club. A couple of people said they missed me the few weeks since I have been so.....

With Ed

So Ed came in s'morning, caught up on sum paperwork then took me to Morrison's where I walked all the way around (a MOS commented on how well I was doing) got a smaller shop than usual.
Then I phoned that Toby and arranged to pick him up s'afternoon as I will be busy seeing my Financial Advisor when he usually comes on Tuesday. I have bought some pizza bases and mixture and he is gonna learn how to make them today
And he came round and made Pizza, from scratch. I had bought pizza bases etc he put it all together. It was lovely but in my fridge is ¼ of a pizza for lunch tomorrow. So I told Toby that I make pizza's from Naan bread and they are much more edible size