Thursday 11 November 2010


Then later this afternoon that Han who I first met yonks ago and her boyfriend MRFS who I have known thru Ixion for some years but never met in the flesh came to visit. Han said "You won't remember last time I came to visit you, you were still in hospital". She also said that the last time she saw me I hadn't relearned how to speak, I could make a couple of noises but not recognizable as speech. They both also said how much better my Ixion posts are recently, I have learned partly how to communicate once more.

Gosh, I feel close to tears just trying to express how it was to see them
And I was speaking to a MOS earlier and I said that "This beautiful woman and her BF were coming to see me later" and yes, I was right, she is


And when I got back today there was a message from Lucy saying Jackie asked her to send this, blinking flip, he's a disabled punk


So after brekky today I was taken off to the Day Hospital to see the chap who is hoping to inject my arm with Botox tomorrow. We had to talk for ages, he was asking me loadsa questions which he will repeat hopefully in a few weeks to see how different my right arm feels


Well I still got up and was having my breakfast when my alarm clock went off. Up tomorrow too. So I went to the hospital today and we had to talk about all sorts of stuff so he will be able to see if tomorrows injection has worked or not. Then we did some stretching etc, I will see the same chap at another hospital tomorrow