Tuesday 30 June 2015

Medically Busy

So I see the nurse tomorrow who is looking into my eyes etc, see Dr Rice on Friday about my testosterone jabs, and see another nurse next Tuesday who needs to feel my feet etc

Old Telly

Apropos of nothing, I was looking at Dave telly on my iPad and found the first episode of Red Dwarf X and good lord but a bit......


And it has felt like a summers day today, really warm etc

No Swimming Tomorrow

And the good news is that I won't have time to go swimming tomorrow, but the bad news is that because I am going too see the diabetic nurse who can look into my eyes etc


And while we were out and about a little warning light came on in the car, Timmy phoned them and the car is booked in for a service on Thursday. That's what the light meant, apparently

Hectic Morning

Wow, what a hectic morning it has been, unexpectedly. So Stimmy stayed on, we nipped out to the Drs and picked up my 'script for more leggings, walked from there to the chemist, she said "Ah, come back and get these on Thursday", then we nipped to t'hospital and had some blood taken so they can see the results in the clinic next week, then we went to gym and wore myself out doing exercises