Monday 16 February 2015

Reading In Bed

So when I got in bed for my nap earlier I took my Kindle with me (I know) and tried to read it lying down. It was more difficult than upright reading but I managed, read for 15 mins before I shut my eyes and tried to nap properly

Double Sigh

So we went (quiet Neil)swimming(/qN) and it wasn't as bad as I expected. So I did loads of exercises and swam up and down, with GGtGG paying attention to his instructions and not helping me along at all
And I did 2 extra lengths, 6 in total so no doubt in future they will nag me to do more
And afterwards in the changing room I just pushed the showering chair over as a support, I didn't sit in it at all, purely showering on my own two feet

BT Yahoo Mail

I have given up, this email program doesn't work all the time, so I have given up again and just read my email on BT Yahoo Mail webspace

Gorgeous Greta

And LusciousLinda the Foot Fairy is coming in to cut my nails s'morning but I may have another nickname for her.