Tuesday 25 February 2014


Then we drove for miles to look at a house which was too far away and in a hilly area. After tea we went out to have a first look at another we found today, I think Paul better phone the Estate Agent tomorrow and express some interest. Tomorrow we are going to look at another of last weeks which looks good area wise etc and it is a lot cheaper than some others we have sern which is a bit making me paranoid, wait 'til I have seen it

What a day

Well, first thing s'morning Denyse came to see me, we talked about how I want Anthony to keep some of my giro every week, then we made a delicious lunch that Denyse had brought, a sweet potato and butternut squash soup. Which was actually relatively easy to make, if I follow her latest suggestion and get a MOS to chop up the squash and freeze it in portions