Wednesday 22 June 2016


Then later (at MM's suggestion) we walked up the road to the pub. When I was there a regular bought me a pint which I did like. I was 2¾ of the way thru my beer when I finally needed to nip to the loo bit I was still watching (3 mins later) when ROI won the match
Peeing. I needed a piss about 2½ pints later than I used to and it just wouldn't finish. I was bored peeing and it just carried on coming out


So I phoned some election office tonight and told them my story. I had destroyed my postal vote form and wondered if I could just show up. They said "No, but come to the office tomorrow and pick your new election card up, you can take that to the poling station tomorrow". So I have had to type and print a letter saying "Please" and I will have to go tomorrow

Aqua Aerobics

And I went and did various up down exercises and lift/kick routines and just exausted myself in the pool.
When we got in all the disabled changing rooms were being used so I had to go by myself into a small normal cubicle and change myself but when we came out we did get the biggest 2 shower changing room. 
*BUT* I got changed and walked from the changing room to the pool. Pushing my chair but not sitting in it. This was the only time in the wek I was using my chair so potentia;;y there is a chairless week on the cards

Rain Rain

So it was drizzling s'morning. I looked out the window and thought "Greenhouse - for my lunch" and looked at the clouds. At about 11AM there was a pause in the rain (Dunno if it is a stop for the day or not) so I thought "Vitamin C doesn't break down that quickly" and went out and got the last of the lettuce from the greenhouse. Luckily there is being an organic veg delivery tomorrow and I have already requested a Salad Pack
And it hasn't rained since


And after I thought I would be busy next week I actually looked at the week after. Lordy, well busy with medicine/therapy and a car service in the middle of it all