Monday 28 May 2012

Two Folk Clubs

So we set out tonight and drove miles to the first folk club, the one that was on last week, and when we got there there was nowt on so we then drove miles further and came acros a decentiss FC which nice beer on tap which I actually rather liked


And when napping today I realised that my right hand was flat on the bed, wrist flat and arm flat with only a small amount of play in my fingers. It didn't used to sit that flat/well on it

Double Aargh

Then after such an exciting/scary/busy day it went a bit quieter later. For an hour or so we did nowt but talk/read etc then I napped


I am going off in a couple of hours to hopefully get the key to my new bungalow....... AARGH....
And we did it, went down, met the landlord&lady, took the keys off them and sorted out bills etc. It's mine now!!!!
Then we were able to do the rest of usual busy Mondayness and went to the supermarket although we needed to go to Tesco's too to get blueberries, but it's all done now
OK, the rest of it as we went shopping on Saturday as my list was SO long it would have taken me half of tomorrow too