Tuesday 25 April 2017

Doctor Whatchamacallit

And I watched the second episode of Dr Who today and I enjoyed it *so* much

Faster Then Ever

<sigh> So we headed to gym s'morning and I got stuck into the exercise bike machine. The first km took ages but after that I got it together and did the whole 10km in I think the quickest time I have ever managed. </s>
So yes, I am sweaty, smelly and exhausted now but it is done


So s'morning I had to do up one of the extra "tighten up" buttons on the top of my trousers, the ones that I have never had to do up before, but now the trousers aren't falling down when I am standing/walking


So when I went to bed last night instead of sticking on sum music I searched the Interweb for "streaming folk music" and the very first result that came up I clicked listen and fell asleep a while later b4 the auto shut down shut down the PC.
I am a bit of a fan, I will have to explore further.....