Friday 20 April 2018

Battery Running Out

And I noticed that the battery for my FES is running out much quicker these days, I thought "Why?", and then realized it is because the FES is switched on for about 2½ as long every day than it was a fortnight ago


Then after my bath and nap and waiting about 15 minutes for the washing to be done so I could stick my sockings on the radiator to dry we headed into town and parked on Lammas St, on Dark Gate, then walked thru town to M&S. From there we turned and walked uphill past Iechyd Da to King St,
went all the way along to the end, then walked back past the turn off to Iechyd Da all the way to the end then walked downhill past the court house until we reached the car at the end


What a performance. I tried to put my new Bill Bailey DVD in the PC and it sez "No, not on Windows 10" so I had to download a free player and get it to work. Which took a while (and a number of versions) and I haven't got time to watch it now as I need to have an early lunch then go to gym class.
And it has put me in a bad mood, I don't think I can appreciate comedy when I am this ****ed off. But as long as I can make it play again later.....

Will She Be Back?

So will Sam be back to take the gym class today?
Because yes, it's Friday so the one day of the week I go to a proper gym class....
And yes she was back and looking as lovely as ever and the class went well. Both Sam and MM commented about how I was much better at lifting my right leg by bending my knee than I was last time they saw me do it