Wednesday 1 February 2017

Well Windy

And I had to close the living room windows tightly today as it was *so* windy, but now I have been able to open them to the first notch bit again that they have been open to for some months

Split Seconds

And I listened to a radio program that was talking about time/medicine and just WOW I thought


So today Denyse said "Maybe you could set an alarm on your phone to remind you to think of another one tomorrow?" to remind me to look out and see a cheerful thing. So with my phone I recorded "Find summat cheerful", clicked various buttons and tomorrow (and every day after that) at 10AM my phone says to me "Find summat cheerful. beep. beep. Find summat cheerful"


So Denyse emailed me s'morning and said that I need to concentrate on what was making me feel good today. So I thought "Erm..... what?" and then 5 mins later got into Amazon/PrimeMusic/90'sDance and have been listening to it ever since.
That's what is making me smile s'morning
Especially when I wanted to leave the room. So I went to Amazon..... on my phone and made it play from there

What Fun

And s'afternoon we are going a Aqua Aerobics again.
"How pleased am I?" ha said sarcastically
Lordy. My sarcasm is beaten. I nearly, NEARLY, enjoyed getting better in't water today