Friday 15 July 2011

And knackered

So Paul was coming around yesterday to take me out to the Folk Club with stairs so we both thought "Oh dear what shall we do instead?" but ha, we were very busy all afternoon/evening putting together my new Trug which had been delivered. We bought loadsa compost but we haven't put it in yet, Sarah may want to move it etc then she can open the bags and get me manure and plants etc. Possible a compost maker too

Left walkies

I have just been outside for a walk and hoo-f^c^ing-ray my left leg still can remember how to walk properly. I am marginally worried that "you" might think "God's sake Neil, post about it again" but I am still so impressed that so long after my accident I can do such important stuff


So with breakfast I have just finished the last of the milk which is by now 2 days past it's best before date. Because it is "so old" I smelt it first, it smelt OK so I sipped it and tasted that sip. Again I thought it was OK.

But PARANOIA, my nose and taste buds no longer work properly, I hope it WAS OK
Well I got a MOS to check out the bits in the bottom of the bowl and he thought it was OK too.