Thursday 6 November 2014


Much rain tonight, heavy, and it is forecast to last 'til Sunday


Then later we headed into Wilko to pick up 4 or 5 Listerine mouthwashes, I had a look for summat else but couldn't find it


And in my bath today the hot water stayed hot 'til the end, like it's supposed to, unlike what happened t'other day. No explanation, nothing needed resetting just a cold(ish) bath


So today I/we went to gym, it was a bit busier but we found summat to do. At Sam's suggestion I tried the 'one arm, then the other' exercise machine which went well, different weights on both arms


So I was having a think s'morning, this is a universal able to read format, whatever your PC is, eg Apple or Mac etc. So I explored and found immediately a PDF reader on my PC but not a PDF writer. Explored some more and eg Word, can save in .doc format but also can save in .pdf format. So if I am ever sending a document to loads of recipients (as likely as that sounds) I now know how to format it for everybody


And I figured out (again?) how to do "Hashtag" links to the middle of my page. But middle of someone elses page?

Lifes A Bitch

Life's a bitch...
then you marry one
then you die
I experienced all three......

Struggling On

So sat here having breakfast, thinking "Oh good, struggle on s'morning" but otherwise what?
'Yes, life is hard but you are learning how to make it easier...'