Tuesday 24 March 2015

No News

And I was gonna switch the news on tonight but then I thought "Nah" because for the last few times I caught it they were going "General election..." so....


And because of the plumbing crisis we are going out for dinner tonight.
I can't remember but I think it was nice when we were last there
And yes, it was delicious

The Wrong Day

So we went to swimming today instead of yesterday and it went OK, did 8 lengths and a couple of walks across. Only thing is my wet towels and trunx are still sitting here in a box as the boiler fitter is still fitting
Still working but he said I can put my washing on at 17.25 so progress.....

Lavender Rest

I thought of getting some lavender oil to help me sleep but haven't managed to. So I bought myself a spray on your pillow kind of lavender product. If it works I shall buy myself some proper oil before it is finished, runs out


And the plumber is here. So he took the old boiler off after half an hour and is n=mid sticking the new one in it's place

Strange Pooh

So I went to the loo s'morning, sat down and squeezed. And squeezed a bit more... etc final squeeze and gave up, thought "No pooh s'morning".
Went about my business. 4 minutes later I went for another pooh, squeezed and did it, big style.
4 friggin' minutes, dunno what the difference was

Right Shoulder

And my right shoulder is getting better. I can't remember what it was doing not to work but I noticed when taking my jacket off s'morning, it just shrugs off both shoulders now whereas before I kind of had to take 1 shoulder off and pull it off the other with my opposite hand