Saturday 3 March 2012


And now to keep the infection in my foot at bay I need someone to spread cream on my feet twice a day


Then we had were asked to give that Toby chap a lift home from Kidwelly and he seemed to be learning

Pink Hair

Then Claire the psycho babbler came round and talked about all kinds of stuff. She said that she hadn't been asked yet to write another report but is expecting to

Ho Hum

Then s'morning Small Paul came round again to see me. First things first we went to Waverley Stores because we were at the f*cking doctors yesterday when I usually go. They had nearly everything fresh and did say "We were so worried when we didn't see you yesterday"
I was talking to a MOS there about how I am pissed off with having to make effort after effort to get properly better and she said "Yes, I understand. I broke my ankle 5 years ago (Which wasn't as serious as your accident but....) and afterwards I could have sat down bored or make myself learn to walk again etc"