Wednesday 22 January 2014


Then afterwards we had to go to that Tesco place to get some food waste bags, the biodegradable ones
Then s'afternoon we nipped out for a first look at a house that actually Denyse found on the interweb, and it looks good, back and front gardens and the bit of the house we saw from outside looked cool. So tomorrow that SmallPaul chappy is gonna contact the estate agents and we will go from there - Heol Goi, St Clears, Carmarthenshire this one is called


And so s'afternoon after my bath I went to bed, woke up, put on trousers etc then called Paul and he put on the first of my Testosterone Cream. Dunno, don't feel any changes already but it has only been 20 minutes so just starting to get thru my skin

Cottage Not Acceptable

Aargh, Beech Cottage was very nice but not suitable for a wheelchair. We think, as I walked in, but on the list for next time we will bring a 'chair even if I am not using it ATM just to see if it will go