Wednesday 31 August 2016

Disk Cleanup

So I asked MM today "Can u fix this 'puter in the bedroom, it is running so slowly I can't find music etc". He said "Yes", looked on his laptop what the function was called for Windows 7 and asked it to look for "Disk Cleanup". What a difference, I could tell before I even ran a test as the noise was going "disk noise, noise, noise" whereas in the past it was going "Disk noise..... silence....... brief noise........ silence..... silence etc"
But when I put it on last night it went "Silence" for about 4 mins, I thiught "Oh no", but then it suddenly worked again 


So tonight we went out, I said "Park here" at Llamas St and walked up hill as far as King St, walked a bit along there, came down past Caffi Iechyd Da and back to the car.
From here we popped to my local, where I was trying to get enuf change to pay The Glamorous Toe-Nail Cutter next week. So we had 2 pints even tho I only needed a half to get change 

Boiler Fixers

And all day I had been thinking "Where are they?" as the hot water was still hot etc. S'afternoon I had my bath, went to bed, been in there for a few minutes when there was a knock at the door". MM answered, had a conversation and said "Tara". After my "sleep" I said "Who was that?", it turns out it was the boiler fixer and he had had a look at our outside gas fittings and didn't need to do owt. I think these 4 houses at the end were built later than the rest so we have more up to date gas fittings


So me and MM headed to gym just before lunchtime. We did loadsa arm and chest exercises and not 5 minutes like I was acting up but 10 minutes (so I had to do another go of 5 mins) on the hand cycle machine. I feel a pain in my right shoulder (well just below my shoulder but just) but we finished it all.

Timmyless Breakfast

And Timmy was up and letting MM in before I was up s'morning as he had to go off early to sort out some family issues s'morning