Friday 10 January 2014


And when I finally got to sit at my PC about half past 5 today the next email from Ixion said 10.03 s'morning


After gym I had lunch and a cuppa tea cos I needed to be sleepy, I had no bath (as there was no time)  and went to see (Beautiful) Doctor Browne, telling her that the doc yesterday had refused to Botox my legs as she thought I still had infection. She looked closely and said "No, no infection", gave me an antibiotic cream for a week or 2, basically sent me on my way. She also said that I had just had all the blood tests that were wanting so I came away with no pain and no antibiotics

Being Evil

And before lunch we were at gym, in "Sam's Class" as I now do once a week and she worked me hard. But I do notice how much better I am getting in every way so at least partly worth it
As well as this I now go down to free exercise sessions (not classes) twice a week too

Walk To The Loo

And I took Denyses advice s'morning. I took off my bumbag in the living room. them walked to the loo, found it easy to put my LAS in my pocket, pull my trousers down and pee, then pulled 'em back up and walked back out. It was much easier, I tried walking there with bumbag, found it very hard to take it off and put it back on there so I started wheelchairing to the loo.
There is no need I found today. 
Thanks for being such a clever clog Denyse


And we went to Aardvark, I parked and left my chair outside and walked the whole length of the shop, up the slope then across the second room, and back out.
But I have to pay on my way out...
And they were kind enough to give, give, me another bar of that soap that they gave me for Xmas and which I have been using for a fortnight and praised it to them last week