Saturday 22 December 2012


Oh dear. So we were in't supermarket tonight Paul said "Want some crumpet?", I said "Yes, please, her" and then felt the need to go and tell the woman what we had said. She looked amused

Surprise Visitor

And today, as a surprise, there was a knock on the door, I walked to open it, and it was Brian, Julia's Dad. They were down visiting Julia and he decided an extra visit would be in order, it was good to see him and he commented how much better I look in the 6 months since I saw him last
And he bought me a bottle of Stones Ginger Wine as a present, mmmm, but I can't drink anything until Monday

Lie In

And I was awake most of the night but in the end I fell asleep and didn't wake up 'til 8.30!! A lie in!