Monday 7 May 2012

... In Spain...

And we are going out to the Folky Club in half an hour and you should hear the rain
And we came home from the FC and it wasn't raining...


And before I went for my nap s'afternoon I decided to try it with my alarm set to go off in 20 minutes not half an hour as usual because it seems...... dunno, I think I am ready to get up sooner

AND Tesco's

So s'morning we nipped out to (More Reasons To Shop At) Morrison's to get our biggish list of food, including mouthwash and toothpaste, but all their blueberries were best b4 tomorrow, so we had to nip to Tesco's afterwards and get 2 packs of much longer dated ones

Third Day

And Ed is coming in in a bit for his third day of work.
But we are off to a Folk Club tonight so I shouldn't be too grumpy...