Tuesday 16 July 2013


Then SaraH OT came to see me, with a bag full of food and we together made a Spanish Omelette  with (steamed) spuds, a courgette, some mushrooms, a red pepper and 5 eggs we used in the end
It was delicious in the end
And she did comment on how much more mobile I am and how much more useful my right arm is these days
But I was chopping up veg with my right arm, it was cutting OK but I couldn't make the knife go straight down, it was 30-40 degrees off vertical. But then I realised if I took ½ step back, away from the surface I was cutting on then I could cut properly. Very very strange but I hope I remember it


So we nipped up to the Recycling Place just up the road where again I was taking photos.
Today the MOtheeirS who knows how to work their camera wasn't there so I could't get the autofocus to work. I gave it to Alex and said "Help", he made puzzled sounds then pressed "Reset" which seemed to work
But FWIW I had a pee before we went, was there for 2 hours without a pee and didn't need to go straight into the loo when we got back. Gosh, the days of peeing every 15 minutes are long gone, phew