Tuesday, 8 March 2011


So tomorrow I will go for lunch with that Ruth. I had thought, before she contacted me that I would say no tomorrow as my head is really in bits, full of sh*t ATM but then I thought "No, I need to see someone who knows me and talk to them" so yes I will see her tomorrow
It's marginally scary in case I just fill her with woe bit I need to see her


Then that beautiful girl that I see once a week came to see me. She played on the PC while I was cooking, ate it said it was nice, then made some Pancakes as it was pancake Tuesday and I had supplies. Gosh it was delicious


Then later Sarah the OT came to see me, listened to my (big) woes, talked about me getting better etc then went off. She asked me if Easy Falafel was as nice as the one we made, I said only 2/3 but as that one was twice as nice as anything I had ever tasted it was OK by me


This morning the post man delivered a huge number of pages for the census. Which I binned, because the only thing I required was my number to get in and do it online, which only took about 20 minutes

Healthy, Wealthy, Wise(EST)

Aah, went to bed lateR as I was trying to sleep in s'morning, but still woke up before 8 o'clock