Tuesday 1 May 2018

Boiler's Fscked

And I had a cold bath and did the washing up under a tap that ran hot then cold then hot again. Dunno, can't look at anything, it is all locked up under warranty but it disnae wurk, the hot water boiler

Out To Party/Flirt but not Bowl

Then later we are popping to Xcel Bowling to meet up with WWEG folk and chat while they bowl
Well that was nice, we had a load of sitting watching folk ploy bowling etc

Hectic AM

So s'morning we had to pop to the asthma nurse who said "Sorry, the room is upstairs" but that is not an issue for me anymore. She asked loadsa questions, watched me take my inhaler, and basically said "You are OK"
Then we got a 'script from over the desk there and went next door to the chemist and got loadsa cream for my armpits etc
Then on the way home we called into gym and did an enormous cycle, without needing to stop for a rest and I think it was the quickest ever for that distance