Saturday 10 May 2014

Got Up

And as I walked out of my bedroom s'morning I think we can say that Neil has learned to walk, I walked until I had my bath/nap, just gotta learn how to extend it


& for dinner tonight I made my usual Saturday dinner of Roast Veg etc and it was nicer than I have managed before. It was neither raw or burned, it seems that 40 minutes on 220 followed by 20 mins at 200 (so we can cook the Linda McCartney sausages to accompany it<1>) was almost perfect for veg cut up like this
<1> 15 mins to cook, 5 mins beforehand to allow the oven to cool


And as we are in Wales today I can look out of the window and watch it rain
It has stopped raining now and while Ed cleaned inside the car I made some tea