Monday 21 April 2014

I Did

I did recall, I did walk


So s'morning I got off my ar*e and walked when I needed the loo etc, I parked my wheelchair across the room from my PC and walked to the other seat that was there
Then we went shoppng which I used my 'chair for then parked it again when we got back. Into the kitchen at lunchtime on my own two feet.
I can do it, it's just telling my brain to remember

God Botherer Day

And as it's Easter Monday the Leisure Centre is closed so I cannot (woe is me) go swimming

More Reasons....

And we nipped to Morrisons and got my usual small shop from there

Timmy Queries

And we had sorted out all my Timmy PC queries quickly s'morning and he told me how to add 😀

Visitor and I haven't even finished my coffee

So I was drinking my coffee after my breakfast s'morning when a car pulled up outside. It was my brother David, on his way back to the ferry who called in for 20 minutes