Wednesday 2 March 2011

In A Bit

Late last night someone txted me so because of that I am going out for lunch with that Ruth, going to somewhere I have never been before but Ruth ate their last week. Where is Queen St, I know where King St is, I assume Queen St is near that. "The Café At Number 4" we are going today.
Apparently it is the end of King St where it goes around the corner. Must be 25 yds long that flippin' street
And I had just hung up my phone after ordering a taxi when Ruth phoned me and said "Change of plan", I started to panic but she said "Just change where we meet to Jackson's Lane again because....." so I thought "Phew" and carried on. And we had an even deliciouser lunch than last time too
Because of that I just had a veggie burger with the left over Hummus and Tahini Sos for tea, no need for any more

Well Timed

So I was in the loo this morning for about 10 minutes. Squeeze squeeze. I finally finished my pooh, reached for the loo roll, 4 pieces later I was clean, thought phew, reached down, pulled my trousers up and then there was a knock at the door. It was the postman with a parcel that wouldn't fit thru my letter box